What is Spiritual Direction?
The practice of Spiritual Direction is a centuries-old Christian process of spiritual formation which Robert Mulholland, Jr calls "a process of being conformed to the image of Christ for the sake of others."
A Spiritual Director helps a companion orient themselves to God, notice His presence, and transformative care in his or her life for the purpose of spiritual growth and healing.
Spiritual Direction is a practice rooted in presence.
Most of our lives are spent striving toward the future or untangling ourselves from the weeds of the past. Because transformation happens present-tense, it is a life-giving gift to hold the present moment with another. Just as the biblical word “selah” bids us to draw a reflective breath, spiritual direction holds space to pause and take notice of what God, the Master Gardener, is tending in the plot of our lives.

"Spiritual direction is the act of paying attention to God, calling attention to God, being attentive to God in a person or circumstances or situation.... It notices the Invisibilities in and beneath and around the Visibilities. It listens for the Silences between the spoken Sounds."

Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius
Are you discerning a vocational call, navigating a life transition or searching for a deeper connection to God? Perhaps you will consider a 9 month retreat in daily life designed to guide you along the path of discernment as you walk more closely with God.
The Spiritual Exercises is a field guide for spiritual formation and discernment composed in the 16th century by Ignatius of Loyola. This guide has been preserved and passed down through the Jesuits and made available to Christians today from all traditions and backgrounds.
The Spiritual Exercises comprise of daily scripture meditation, prayers and contemplative practices. The aim is to deepen awareness, receptivity and responsiveness to God's life and love in each person and in the world.
If you are interested in making this "retreat in daily life," please reach out for more information.

"Spiritual direction is, in reality, nothing more than a way of leading us to see and obey the real Director — the Holy Spirit hidden in the depths of our soul."
— Thomas Merton
Spiritual flourishing is the yield of a cultivated life with God as He forms us in the image of Jesus and animates us through His Spirit.

Deb Gregory
I like to think of the spiritual life as a garden, full of seasons and cycles. It's my great joy to come alongside others to notice and to nurture what God is growing in them and to be reminded of His loving care.
I have been fortunate to have lived, worked and traveled in many countries. As a “third-cultured” person, I understand the unique challenges faced by those who live between cultures and I am passionate about helping them to make sense of their life journeys and find a deep connection with God.
I offer a safe and supportive space for individuals, clergy, academics, and leaders in various sectors to explore their spiritual journey and to find clarity and purpose. I am an experienced spiritual director passionate about helping people to find their own voice, to bring their deepest longings into the light, and to be present to the movement of God in their lives.
My approach is rooted in the contemplative-evocative tradition, compassionate listening, and open-hearted inquiry. Whether it's individual direction, group direction, teaching workshops, or facilitating community discernment processes, I'm here to provide the support and guidance needed to foster growth and transformation.
I am a member of the Evangelical Spiritual Direction Association and ascribe to their code of ethics.