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1st Candle of Advent: Hope (A Weary World Rejoices Guide)

Creative Commons: Please share with attribution to artist Cody Wood!
"On the Way" by Cody Wood. Digital Art. 2020

Watch with Hope

Keep watch, stay awake. . . because you don’t know when the

master of the house is going to come. Mark 13:33, 35

SAY At Advent, we light candles to remind ourselves to watch for the light. Jesus called himself the Light of the World who brought hope to people lost in darkness. This candle reminds us to watch with hope.

LIGHT the first purple candle.

ASK What is hope?

SHARE Hope is looking forward to something good against the odds. Hope is a shining light in the darkness.

READ Isaiah 64:1̐4 (The Passion Translation)

God, if only you would tear open

the heavenly realm and come down!

How the mountains would tremble

in your awesome presence!

In the same way that fire sets kindling to blaze

and causes water to boil,

let the fire of your presence come down.

Reveal to your enemies your mighty name

and cause the nations to tremble before you!

When you did amazing wonders we didn̄t expect,

you came down, and mountains shuddered in your presence!

These amazing things had never been heard of before;

you did things never dreamed of!

No one perceived your greatness.

No eye has ever seen a God like you,

who intervenes for those

who wait and long for you!

ART Look at the picture of Mary. What do you notice about this image? How does hope reveal itself to you in this image?

DISCUSS What does Isaiah̄s prophecy reveal about Marȳs hope? What̄s so hopeful about Jesus coming into the world? What are some things you hope for? What are some ways our family can give hope to others?


Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done,

on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins

as we forgive those who sin against us.

Lead us not into temptation

but deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power,

and the glory are yours

now and for ever.



Stir up your power, O Lord, and come.

Rescue and protect us from the threatening perils

of our sins by your might; for you live and reign with the Father and

the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

(Historic Collect for the First Sunday in Advent, Gregorian, 10th


Additional Readings:

Isaiah 64:5̐8, Psalm 80:1̐7, 17̐19, 1 Corinthians 1:3̐9, Mark 13:24̐37

Advent invites active Kingdom participation

that offers hope to a weary world.

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The artwork "On the Way" by Cody Wood can be viewed digitally or printed for non-commercial use only. We recommend printing on heavy card stock for best viewing.

Please attribute the artist when you share!


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